Friday, December 1, 2017

My Return from NaNo

Hey everyone, this is just going to be an update. I'll start posting new pieces on Monday.

So, as you know I did NaNo last month. My final word count was a little over 19,000 words. This was 10,000 words less than last year, I'm still pretty happy with myself for what I've accomplished.

I didn't have plan for what I was going to be posting this year. I thought I would for sure have a story idea but I didn't. Instead I just wrote a collection of stories, they aren't really related. My focus was to write a short story every week. I plan to post these stories to the blog after I've done some editing and revision to them.

I have a few ideas for my attempt at NaNo for next year. I'll share a few basic ideas, and flesh them as I get closer to to NaNo in 2018. I might use these for Camp NaNo, as well. One thing is that I want to still keep up with my nightly journaling, it was something that I didn't do during Nano. I was focused on one piece, but I know I want to try and do my journal entries, and keep them non-nano related. I would like to do maybe a weekly blog post, give you all updates on how my story is going, word counts, excerpts or teaser lines from what I've written.

I have some great news for my writing in 2018, so hopefully share later in the month. See you all on Monday with a holiday piece!


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