Sunday, October 28, 2018

What Have I Been Up To Lately? (Update)

Hola everyone, this past week has been a really weird one. There was a family emergency that has caused some things to back up on me. But like always, we're pulling through the mess with as much grace and love that we can. I won't specify on the emergency right now, there may be a later blog post.

Today I want to give you some updates:
  • Inktober: As some of you know I decided to do Inktober this year, in hopes of getting back into drawing and art. I'm a few days behind but I do plan to draw/ink a few things today. I was able to do Mermay everyday back in May but this month is a little different.
  • NaNoWriMo: Yes, I will be doing NaNo again this year. This is my fourth consecutive year of making the attempt to write 50k words in one month. Will I finish? I have no clue but I do have a story that it just waiting to be written.
  • Nightly Journals: As you may/may not know, I nightly journal. It's really a brain dump to just write whatever story I want at night before I go to bed. It has become a night time ritual for me, and I plan to continue to do this during Nano. I didn't do it last year, but I am making the attempt this year. These words could end up in my final word tally, it just depends on how far behind (desperate) I am.
  • ADF-Writes: I will try to post updates but these may be sporadic to non-existent. I can't make any promises. Since I decided to just post whenever I could here, it will be the same during NaNo. I want to update at least once, so be on the look out for it.
I think that is everything, I will post another update. See you on the flip side. 


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