Sapphire happily sipped on the champagne from her glass with a grin. Her blue eyes spotted a familiar tall figure enter the night club. With an eye roll, the dark haired woman looked at her best friend with a raised eyebrow.
"They're here again," Sapphire commented before she took another sip of her bubbly.
A groan escaped Melinda Halliwell's lips. "Why? God, why can't I just be left alone?" she questioned was she looked up at the ceiling.
Sapphire sent Melinda a sad smile, she reached a hand out and squeezed one of Mel's. The French-Egyptian witch empathized with her best friend.
"Because older siblings always butt in, especially their little sibling's business," Artemis St. Rose commented from Melinda's other side. "I can't believe they had the nerve."
"It's only Wyatt and Christian, thankfully Chris and Henry didn't show up," Sapphire reassuringly told her friends with a smile.
This was one of those times that Sapphire was grateful that she was an only child. But she had a lot of surrogate/adopted siblings from all of her best friends.
Before either Mel or Artemis could reply, a throat was cleared behind them. Three sighs simultaneously left their lips.
"Hello ladies," Wyatt greeted his sister and her two friends.
"Wyatt," Saph coolly replied. Her eyes filled with disappointment, a pout on her red painted lips.
"Christian, why are you here?" Artemis asked her brother with anger burning in her brown eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed with a frown set on her lips.
A smirk played across the oldest St. Rose's face, "I can't go out for a drink with my best friend?" he asked with a false innocent smile on his face.
"Ooh, I oughta," Artemis mumbled, she her attention back to her champagne. She downed the rest of the glass and slammed it onto the bar. "Could I get four shots of vodka?" her voice sweet sounding, asked the bartender with a wink.
"Of course, Miss St. Rose," the bartender answered with a wide grin.
"Be careful, Artemis," Sapphire warned softly. She glanced at the contents of her glass, the idea of throwing the remaining champagne at Wyatt and Christian briefly temped her. A frown crossed her lips before she decided against the action. It would be a waste of good champagne.
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