Amy leaned into Oliver's side as they stood on the balcony of their loft, it was a quiet moment for the couple. Inside a party to ring in the New Year was happening, the couple stepped out to just enjoy a few moments of quiet.
A shiver ran up Amelia's back as the cold of Star City brushed against her face.
"You alright?" Oliver asked as he looked at his wife.
"Cold," she admitted as she shook in her dark wine colored dress.
The Mayor of Star City chuckled at his wife, before he led her back inside the warmth of their home. He grinned as he caught sight of all of their friends present to celebrate the New Year with him and Amy. He spotted William, with Ella at his side. His daughter was bouncing with excitement, he knew looked at the clock and saw it was just after ten. Suspicion told him that Ella wouldn't be awake to celebrate the New Year with everyone.
"Amy, we need your input on something," Caitlin called over from one of the couches in front of the fire.
Amy kissed Oliver on the lips before she moved to join her friend with cold powers. The petite brunette joined Caitlin, Iris, Felicity, Sara, Kara, and Alex. Oliver couldn't hear the conversation but something it certainly had captured his wife's interest.
Barry Allen, The Flash, sidled up to Oliver with a champagne flute in his hand. "So, you've officially retired as Green Arrow?" Barry not so casually asked as he looked at his friend and mentor.
"I did," he admitted as he took a sip from his own glass. "Amy and I had a long discussion about it. But overall, I wanted to be home with Amy to help her with Ella, Tommy, and Laurel. William needs me around more, too. Luke's take up the mantle. He's capable, he's also an original member of the team."
"Do you think Star will be able to tell the difference?" Barry wondered as he looked at Oliver.
"They haven't so far. I'm not sure they ever will," Luke said from behind Barry and Oliver.
The two men turned to look at the new Green Arrow of Star City. Barry and Oliver chuckled as they caught sight of how ridiculous he looked.
Luke Carter had glitter on his face, and his party hat was a monstrosity hurt both the Speedster and Mayor's eyes. Neither could look at the former ARGUS agent for long.
"Luke, what are you wearing?" Ollie asked his brother-in-law.
Luke looked up as if he could see his head, "Oh, Ella, she's got Cisco and James in something similar," he admitted as he sent his friends a grin.
Barry looked contemplatively at the hat, "I'm getting one from Ella," he said as he strode away to go see his goddaughter.
Oliver threw his head back and groaned. Luke chortled at his best friend's misery.
Meanwhile, with the women they were all gossiping about work, marriage, and other things. Caitlin was discussing some more science with Alex about meta's. Amy glanced at Felicity and studied her sister-in-law.
"Alright, Amy, you've now had three children, two only seven months ago. How did you get your figure back so quickly?" Iris demanded as she looked at the petite brunette.
Amy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Honestly, it's all Ollie. He had me on the salmon ladder or working out with him about two months after Laurel and Tommy were born. He did the same thing after he got back from his stint with the League of Assassins," she admitted as she looked at her friends.
"Oh god, the salmon ladder?!?!?!" Caitlin shrieked as she looked at Amelia with wide eyes.
The mother of four gravely nodded as she leaned into the comfy couch. "It was horrible after Ella's birth, since it had been six months after her birth. Dig and Luke had been trying to get me back into shape. But with Ollie's sudden disappearance..." she trailed off not sure how to really continue.
Suddenly, two pairs of arms wrapped themselves around Amelia's shoulders. Amy recognized the cold touch of Caitlin and the slightly warm touch of Kara. She sighed and wrapped her arms around her friends.
"Guys, I'm okay. I've got Ollie and my kids. Not to mention a huge family full of superheroes who don't all live on this earth," she reminded her friends.
"Doesn't matter, we still want to hug you," Kara said as she tightened her grip.
"Love you, too, Kara," Amy sighed as she relaxed into the affectionate hugs.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
Gala Surprises (Amy-DC)
we need to go,” Roger Carter yelled up the stairway, in the hope
that his youngest child and only daughter would magically appear
downstairs, ready for the evening.
impatiently waited with his wife and their two sons. His daughter was
still upstairs, apparently, putting on the final touches for the
night’s event. He sighed as he wondered what could be taking his
daughter so long, all she had to do was wear a suitable dress for the
formal setting of the night.
anxiously checked his watch on his wrist as he began to pace at the
bottom of the stairs. In all of the years that he and his wife had attend galas never had Ellen taken as long as Amelia did. He watched
as Lucas rolled his eyes at his sister’s actions.
calm down, we’re no where near being late,” ellen soothingly told
her husband with worried eyes.
paused midstep to look at his wife, “Ellen, whenever we attened
galas, Amelia makes us late, always. Have you never noticed?” he
asked sarcastically.
frowned at her husband’s tone, she knew her daughter took time but
Amelia only wanted to live up to the family repuation. Something that
Roger never seemed to understand. “I’ll go check on her,” she
snapped as she climbed the stairs to escape her husband’s irritated
the landing, she paused and gasped in a breathe as she caught sight
of her daughter. Amelia abruptly stopped, she nervously wrung her
fingers together. Just behind the twenty-two year old female stood
Margaret Carter-Sousa, the Carter-Sousa Matriarch, and Roger’s
mother. Despite, Peggy being in her seventies, she looked lovely
and Amelia looked very much like Peggy. It was like looking at Amelia
when she would be seventy.
look beautiful, Amy,” Ellen told her daughter as she gently pulled
her into her arms for a hug.
buried her face into her mom’s dark waves, that were styled 1940’s
waves, she breahed in the familiar scent of roese and honeysuckle.
Her arms around her mother as she tried to clam herself. “Thanks,
mama,” she mumbled into her mother’s hair.
pulled away to study the soft lilac colored dress, it hugged her
daughter’s slim build quite well. As Ellen took a closer look at
the dress, something about it felt familiar to her but she couldn’t
put her finger on it.
along, you two, we best get moving before Roger storms up here.
Honestly, that boy knows nothing about patience,” Peggy muttered
with a roll of her dark brown eyes, as she moved to the staircase.
Nana, let me help you,” Amy offered as she offered an arm for her
shook her head as she followed behind her mother-in-law and daughter.
As the trio approached the bottom, Roger, again, began to complain
about women taking far too long to get ready. Amy frowned at her
father’s words, but she knew he didn’t enjoy attending the lavish
parties, just as she didn’t.
the next time you receive an invitation to a gala, I highly recommend
you decline to make an appearance,” Peggy chastised her son with a
grimace on her face. Her eyes were narrowed as she caught her son’s
dark eyes, the same ones that Amelia and Peggy herself all had set
into their features. “Now, get moving or else the Queen family will
think us rude.”
and Amy walked past the trio of Carter men to move to the waiting
limousine, in front of the door. Ellen accepted the arm, Roger offered
as they followed behind the matriarch and heiress. Henry and Lucas,
both trailed at their own leisurely paces but never were behind with
their long strides.
six sat in the back of the limo, Amelia’s attention unfocused as
her thoughts drifted to the guest list of the Queen gala. Elite
families from all over the country were supposedly going to be
attending the nights events, she briefly wondered if one Wayne heir,
would be making an appearance. As quickly as Amy entertained the
thought, she shook her head to clear her mind of those thoughts.
rarely attend galas that didn’t benefit one of his charities. She
hadn’t seen the billionaire since his return from his supposed
death. It seemed that Bruce Wayne was willing to throw away anyone
from his past.
pushed those thoughts away as they reached the driveway of the Queen
Estate. There were rows and rows of photographers and journalists
wanting pictures and comments of the night’s events.
no speaking to reporters,” Roger reminded his children as he looked
at the three of them.
Henry, and Luke nodded like little ducklings. “And please no
trouble,” he pleaded before he stepped out of the limousine, with a
fake smile plastered on his face.
three children looked at one another and rolled their eyes, but
waited patiently for their turn to exit the vehicle. Roger helped
both his wife and mother out of the limousine. Henry exited after his
grandmother, Luke was quick to follow with Amelia just behind. As she
stepped out of the car, flashes and shouts were quickly sent in her
a warm smile, Amelia accepted Luke’s arm as they climbed the stairs
to enter the gala. The questions followed the family, but not a word
was spoken as they entered the doorway. Just inside the foyer was
Oliver Queen, with Laurel Lance.
smiled as they stopped to greet the duo, her parents kept the
conversation brief. As did her grandma, but it didn’t bother the
Carter children.
Ollie,” Amy warmly greeted her chidhood friend and former dance
partner, with a quick hug.
he sighed in annoyance as he pulled away. “You look lovely, much
better than when we were children,” he added with a chuckle.
mean,” she said as she moved to hug Laurel. “Laurel, you look
stunning. It’s such a shame, Ollie looks dim next next to you,”
she complimented as she threw the retort to her friend with a playful grin on her face.
laughed as she hugged Amy. “Before you two get into anything that
could be disastrous, stop,” she ordered as he looked between the
two. “But thank you, I love this lilac color on you. I knew you
were nervous about this color but it looks amazing.”
bright blush bloomed on Amy’s cheeks as she looked down at her
feet. “Thank you,” she mumbled in embarrassment. “How’s the
party going?” she asked as she looked at Oliver in hopes that he
would change the subject.
are lot of interesting guests inside,” the former playboy admitted
as he nervously played with his tie, loosening the collar from his
frowned and with narrowed eyes studied the Queen Consolidated CEO,
“Who’s here that I’m not supposed to know about, Oliver?” she
asked with a tilt of her head. Her dark waves fell more heavily over
her right shoulder.
tall male gulped, as he tried to think of an answer. He should have
known better than to comment about the guests. He peeked over at
Laurel from the corner of his eyes, and frowned as he saw her pinched
expression. The tall golden haired woman, was not going to help him
out this situation.
Amy asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her foot tapped
impatiently against the polished wooden floor.
a sigh of defeat, Oliver looks down at Amy with sorrow filled eyes.
“Bruce is here,” he admitted to one of his closest and dearest
gasps a breathe as her heart stops for a beat, before it begins to
slam into her rib cage over and over. Brown eyes grown wide at the
news. Time has stopped for Amelia as she realizes that Bruce had
decided to attend the Queen’s gala.
Oliver called out hesitantly as he began to worry for her.
a gasp, Amy shook her head as she took deep breathes to calm her
racing heart. Her eyes closed as she tried to regain her nerve to
actually go inside. “I’m fine, Ollie, but I’m beginning to
wonder if I can hide out in the garden before anyone realized I never
actually made it inside,” she pondered as she blinked up at Oliver
and Laurel.
pulled Amy to stand beside her and wrapped an arm around her
shoulder. “I’m sure your dad would notice quicker than you would
want. Or mine would notice, he is a detective after all,” she
reminded the small and slim brunette, who looked like a 1940’s
movie star.
groaned and threw her head back, temptation to bang her head against
the wall called. But she knew better, her parents and Nana had taught
her how to properly behave at formal events. Translation, do nothing
to embarrass the family or herself, lest she wished for all of the country to learn of her mannerisms. “This is one of those times,
where I wish I could turn invisible,” she sighed as she looked back
at her friends.
too, Mia, me too,” Laurel agreed with soft sigh, as she hugged
Amelia to her side.
soft chime rang from the ballroom to the foyer.
better get in there, before people think we ran off together,”
Oliver said as he smiled at the two women present.
of laughter rang from the two females, “It wouldn’t be the first
time someone thought that,” Amy reminded Oliver.
shook his head, before he offered an arm out to each of them. Both,
Laurel and Amelia accepted proffered arm, as they moved to the
ballroom. Quietly they slunk into the room and joined the crowd as
if they had been apart of the audience from the beginning. The
cocktail hour appeared to be going quite well.
business men and politicians stopped the trio to say their hellos.
Compliments flowed to Laurel and Amelia for their beauty, while many
tried to make business deals or personal inquires of the trio. Some
dared to ask of the relationship status, of the female pair attached to the Queen son. Neither female gave a straight answer,
but many jested Oliver’s ability to handle the two gorgeous women on
his arms.
fell on the trio as they circled the room, to greet the guests.
Whispers escaped loose lips, from those who drank one too many
glasses of the expensive and wonderful champagne served. Three
families ignored the rumors spread about the three adults, as Oliver
was engaged to Laurel and Amelia would be co-maid of honor for the nuptials. The trio were close friends and had been for years, ever
since Amelia had invited Laurel to her house for a play date with
to Amelia, Oliver, and Laurel a pair of bright sapphire blue eyes
followed the movements of the brunette member of the trio. Envy and
shock filled Bruce Wayne as he glimpsed at Amelia Margaret Danielle
Carter-Sousa. When he fled Gotham after Joe Chill’s trial, she had
been a gangling awkward thirteen year old girl.
woman who now greeted the many socialites in attendance, was not the
same Amelia. Somewhere in the eight years that Bruce had been gone,
she had grown up. No longer was she the little girl who followed
after him like a duckling to their mother. Now, she was a swan,
graceful and elegant yet something dangerous glinted in her eyes at
times. No she wasn’t the same.
downed the remaining champagne in his glass, he exchanged the empty
flute on a tray as a waiter approached for a new one. The billionaire
confidently strode towards Robert and Moira Queen, the pair warmly
greeted the newly returned man. A few moments later, Oliver, Laurel,
and Amelia approached the trio.
moved forward to accept hugs from Thomas and Moira, who were her
second set of godparents. She met Bruce’s gaze over Moira’s
shoulder, quickly she averted her attention to the questions the pair
asked. A warm smile fell on her lips from the conversation.
don’t just stand there, come say hello,” Moira chastised the
moved closer, he shook hands with Oliver and pressed a kiss to Laurel's cheek. The engaged pair smiled as they conversed with
Bruce, while Amy listened to Moira and Robert talk about their conversation with her parents earlier.
little while later, Oliver and Laurel left to continue to circle the
room and greet even more of the guests. Thomas and Moira excused
themselves, leaving Amy with Bruce. Before she could flee, Bruce
gently caught her wrist.
he greeted as he looked at her with sad eyes.
she rplied, her eyes locked with his.
A/N: This is the part where I confess, this piece was written during NaNo. I didn't think that I would posting a piece so soon, but I couldn't think of anything to write. This seemed like an appropriate piece for the holidays. I hope you enjoy this piece and last Sunday's.
The Christmas piece that came out on 12/24/2017 was written early on in December in my journal. It is five nights of entries, and heavily edited. I'll see you all Sunday with a new piece.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Mistletoe Kisses
year old Amelia Carter smiled as she caught sight of her parents. The
female sprinted into her mom’s arms.
I’m so happy to see you,” Ellen Carter, the mother of said
sixteen year old commented, as she hugged her only daughter close.
Amy groaned as she pulled away. “I was only gone for two weeks.
Besides, you get me for three weeks, before I have to head back to
Gotham for school,” she reminded her mother with a pointed finger
and head tilt.
we’re your parents, let us worry,” Roger said as he moved forward
to hug his little girl.
accepted the hug and smiled as her parents led her from the train
station to their car. Roger placed her suitcase in the trunk, before
he started the drive back to Carter Estate.
you excited for tonight?” Mrs. Carter asked as she turned to look
at Amy over her shoulder.
eyes moved from the familiar sights to the blue eyes that belonged to
her mother. “Yeah, it’s not quite Christmas without a Queen
Christmas Gala,” the teen commented as the car pulled into the
private driveway of Carter Estate.
both of your brothers out, you’ll be able to surprise everyone. We
didn’t tell anyone you were coming home,” Ellen said as the car
pulled to a stop.
will be a nice surprise,” Amy remarked with a soft smile. “Ho
have the Trio of Terror been?” she asked as she climbed out of the
car and tried to get her suitcase.
got it, sweetheart,” Roger told his daughter as he lifted the
luggage from the trunk.
eyes met brown eyes, Amy could see the honesty in her father’s
eyes. With a nod, the teenager followed her mother into the large
need to stop calling Luke, Tommy, and Oliver that moniker,” her
mother chastised as she rolled her eyes.
will when they stop causing trouble,” she replied. A fraudulent
smile on her face as she bounced upstairs to take a quick nap before
the night’s festivities.
smiled as she spun around the crowded ballroom; the arms that
protectively held her kept her from falling. She couldn’t make out
her partner’s features, but she was lost in his green eyes, that
held a hint of blue in them. So
This Is Love played in the background, as Amy and her mystery partner
beautifully danced across the floor. Other couples moved away to
allow room for the move couple.
Amy got lost in the dance, her partner leaned down. Just as she was
about to lean in, and place her lips against his a voice called her
name. And a hand touched her shoulder.
brown eyes snapped open, Amy looked around to see her mother on the
edge of her bed. She took note of her mother dressed in a beautiful
cobalt blue dress. It brought out the blue in her mother’s eyes,
that often got lost in the green.
it’s time for you to start getting ready, sweetheart,” Ellen said
as she ran her fingers through her daughter’s dark waves.
the teenager nodded and wiped a hand across her eyes. “Thanks for
letting me know, Mom,” she sighed as she stretched her arms and
leave in two hours, so be ready before then please,” Ellen told her
daughter as she stood from the bed.
she called as she threw her legs over the edge of the bed. She
climbed out from her warm blankets and made her way to the en-suite
bathroom, for a quick shower. Her dark waves braided and hidden in a
shower cap.
her shower, Amy sat in front of her vanity to begin her post shower
skin routine. Once finished, applying oils and lotions for her skin
to absorb; she made way to her closet to find the dress her mother
had purchased earlier in the autumn months.
smile crossed Amelia’s lips as she caught sight of the dress. It
was a beautiful dark cherry color, made up of lace and rhinestones.
She wondered if she had a matching hair piece to go with the gown,
but it wouldn’t be right to wear for the nights event. Amy pulled
the dress on, she assessed her appearance in the mirror and grinned.
She moved to the dresser in the closet and rummaged through one of
the drawers for a pair of nude tights.
she pulled them from the drawer and made her way to her bedside table
for a safety pin. She slipped her legs into the fine net material,
the pin secured near the waist of her tights. With her legs encased
in for warmth, Amy maneuvered back to the closet in search of shoes
for the night. She grabbed two pairs and studied them with intense
scrutiny. The black flats wouldn’t work and neither would the nude
heels. A pair of dark red velvet mahogany flats with glittery jewels
caught her eye, Amy grabbed the shoes. With a satisfied nod, she
slipped her feet into the shoes.
all I have to do is my hair and makeup,” she sighed aloud and made
her way back to the vanity.
Amy only applied a little bit of concealer to her face. Once done,
she moved on to her lashes and lips. Two coats of mascara and a red
lipstick used as a stain later, Amy was done. With her makeup. The
look reminded her of a picture, she had seen of her Nana back in
1944, the only difference was that Nana Peggy had worn a bolder red
took her hair down from the braids. Gently, long fingers combed
through the dark waves. Amy pondered on how to style her hair. She
opened one of the vanity drawers and spotted a hair clip similar to
the jewels on her shoes. Amy lifted the clip and placed it against
her hair to try and find a good place to clip it in. After a few
moments, she brushed some hair on her left side back and clipped it
away with the delicate piece.
smiled crossed her lips as she made her way to the mirror. The person
who stood in the mirror looked beautiful in a simple and yet elegant
manor. Reminiscent of her beloved Nana, who was in Gotham for only a
few more days before she came to Starling to spend Christmas with Amy
and her siblings.
she climbed down the grand staircase, she spotted her parents at the
bottom, in their coats ready to leave. “Really?!?! It hasn’t even
two hours,” the teenager pointed out as she threw her hands up in
chuckled and shook his head.
you were always the child, who was ready before your brothers. We
knew you would be ready before the two hours.”
on, Amy, put your coat on,” Ellen told her daughter. She held the
mentioned coat, open for Amy to put on.
accepted the warm coat, her arms slid into the sleeves of the black
pea coat. She pulled her hair out of the back of the thick coat.
Quickly, nimble fingers buttoned herself in. Once done, Amy accepted
the offered arm that belonged to her father. Her mother on her
father’s other arm.
trio walked outside and climbed into the waiting vehicle. The drive
to Queen Mansion wasn’t too long, Amy easily spotted a few familiar
cars in the large parking area. Two belonged to her brothers, another
to Tommy Merlyn.
at least your brothers are both here. Hopefully dressed,” Ellen
muttered from her seat.
snorted at the comment, but kept her eyes trained on the large house.
She wondered who all would be in attendance for tonight’s lavish
gala. The car pulled to a stop not far from her oldest brother’s
tucked between her parents, they made their way inside the large
house. The brunette female smiled as she caught sight of her
Moira happily smiled as she pulled Amy into her arms for a hug.
Amy mumbled into the Queen Matriarch’s blonde hair. The familiar
vintage floral scent of Moira’s perfume brought back many memories
of the teenager’s childhood in Queen Mansion with her brothers.
me look at you,” Moira said as she took a step back to examine her
soft pink color bloomed on Amelia’s cheeks, as she turned to greet
Robert Queen with a hug. Her parents behind her, conversing with one
another. Amy rolled her eyes at the two conversations. Her father and
godfather discussed their respective businesses; while her mother and
godmother spoke of Amelia’s growth.
“… it’s
no wonder you and Roger sent her to Gotham Prep. She looks an awful
lot like Peggy and you, Ellen,” Moira remarked as she met Amy’s
wide brown eyes.
Moira, do you know where Henry and Luke are?” Amy asked in hope of
escaping the two conversations.
with Oliver, getting ready,” the blonde answered with a warm smile.
A twinkle in her blue eyes as she thought of the surprise Oliver
would get.
on up, Melia,” Robert encouraged with a fond smile. “And send the
boys down.”
nodded as she daintily skipped up the stairs. Happiness filled her
chest from the escape of her parents and godparents. She dreaded the
thought of spending the entire night with various business men,
politicians, Starling officials, and their significant others.
large door loomed over Amelia as she approached. Hesitantly, she rose
her hand but brought it back to her side.
slammed shut.
for four.
raised her delicate fist and knocked on the heavy wood. Her breath
caught in her throat, while she waited.
door opened to reveal Oliver Queen, with his dress shirt open down
the front. Amy looked away before her brothers caught her enjoying
the view of Oliver’s abs. Angry brothers and Christmas parties did
not mix.
blue-green eyes widened as he saw Amy. He hadn’t seen her since
July, just before she left for Gotham Prep. The sixteen year old
female in front of him looked different, this Amelia exuded more
confidence. There was a glow about her brought a smile to his face.
he softly breathed in as he took her in.
she sent him a warm smile. “Are you Luke and Henry with you?”
gaped at her, but opened the door wider for her. She flashed him a
bright smile, as she passed the twenty year old billionaire heir. The
same man who had been apart of her life and owned her heart, yet
remained oblivious to that fact. She left Starling to avoid seeing
Oliver, but even Gotham enjoyed reporting about Starling’s
billionaire playboy.
Henry happily called out as he spotted his little sister. He pulled
her into his arms for a tight hug. Her feet left the ground as he
spun them around, her skirt billowed out slightly.
laughter echoed in the room, as she safely landed back on her feet.
“Hello, Henry,” she warmly greeted her brother, who was seven
years older than her.
look amazing, Gotham seems to agree with you,” Henry remarked as he
studied his sister with a scrutinizing eye.
don’t know, she looks the same to me,” Lucas Carter jabbed as he
entered his sister’s vision.
rolled her eyes and ignored him, not willing to take the bait. “Nice
to see you, too Luke. Nana says she expects you to look presentable
when she arrives next week. Something about not urinating on any
police officers, with Oliver,” she said with a slight sneer in her
voice. She sent a frown to Oliver over her shoulder, as she knew her
brother was the instigator in that particular incident.
moved forward and wrapped an arm around Amy’s delicate frame. “That
got to Gotham, huh?”
a shake of her head, she rolled her eyes as she ducked under Ollie’s
arm. “Of course it did. Nana was not amused with either of you. She
also mentioned something about your mugshots looking deplorable; And
to not expect any sort of gift from her, due to your naughty
behavior,” Amy chastised the Queen heir, brown eyes slide to Luke
with a silent glare in warning of the seriousness of the situation.
Her voice had taken a slight English accent from deplorable on, a
habit from whenever she spent a while with Peggy.
know you genuinely looked like Peggy there for a moment, it’s
frightening how much you look like her,” Tommy Merlyn observed from
Oliver’s desk chair.
Tommy’s words, Amy rolled her eyes, as she usually did whenever the
Merlyn heir spoke. “Hello Tommy, you do know, Mom and Dad wanted to
see all four of you at some point tonight.”
those words, the three males who were dressed straightened up.
Shoulders tensed with anxiety and stress. Henry, led Luke and Tommy
out of the room as the oldest, he knew better than to keep his
parents waiting. It only meant more trouble for him in the long run.
Henry was twenty-three and did not need trouble with his parents.
it was only Amelia and Oliver left. His shirt was buttoned but his
jacket was on his bed. The black bow tie hung around his neck. She
knew he often struggled with his tie, especially bow ties for formal
I going to have to fix your tie?” Amy asked as she looked at the
blonde male with a raised eyebrow.
sighed as he looked up at Amy through his eyelashes. Some of his hair
fell in front of his eyes. “Please,” he asked as he stepped
forward to stand only a few steps away from small female.
closed the distance between them, she gently pushed Oliver’s
shoulders, until he stood straight. With a sigh she met Oliver’s
gaze. “This isn’t going to work. You’re a foot taller than me,”
she whined aloud.
smirked as she led Amy into the bathroom. “Do you trust me?” he
asked as he looked over his shoulder.
you aren’t getting me into trouble, sure,” she answered as she
looked at him with a fond smile.
wore a wicked grin, before he reached out and lifted Amelia off her
feet. A squawk escaped her lips as the floor was taken out from under
her. “Ollie,” she whined as she felt her feet catch edge of the
he said as his eyes met hers. “I’m not going to let you fall. I
promise,” he swore as his hands tightened on her waist.
nodded, “Just keep me balanced,” she pleaded as she reached out
to start tying Oliver’s tie.
quick fingers, Amy twisted, knotted, tied, and smoothed the black bow
tie. Whenever she began to sway, Oliver was quick to re-balance her
on the edge of the tub.
done,” the teenager female happily commented. “Now, please let me
down, before I slip and die.”
chuckled and shook his head; gently, he lifted his best friend’s
sister off the tub and placed her back on the ground with a small
twirl. Amy’s laughter rang in the room, as she spun under his arm.
she sighed as they made their way back to his room. “Where’s
Laurel? Usually she’s here to help you.” Amy wondered as she
unbuttoned her coat and sat at the foot of the bed. She watched as
Oliver put on his suit jacket.
sighed as he met Amy’s gaze. “She’s got a family event, she
couldn’t get out of. So, Amelia Margaret Danielle Carter-Sousa, may
I escort you downstairs to the ballroom?” He asked with a mock bow.
giggled at his actions, but nodded. “Yes, you may,” she answered
as she hopped off the bed.
gently removed her coat and placed it on a hanger to place in his
closet. He offered his arm and together they climbed down the stairs
and entered the ballroom. As they crossed the threshold the pair were
bombarded with giggles and chortles.
pair shared a confused glance with one another. Curious as to what
everyone found funny. Their answer soon came from their devious
look who’s under the mistletoe,” Tommy happily crowed from just a
few feet to the right of the entrance.
pairs of eyes, one green-blue, the other brown, widened as they took
in the words Tommy uttered. Amelia looked up, her hair fell over her
shoulders, to see the green leaves and white berries. Her brows
furrowed and her lips pursed as she glared at the offending foliage.
we can’t break tradition,” Oliver commented as he looked down at
eyes met his, “You’re right.”
leaned down and closed the distance. Amy’s breathe caught in her
throat as she rose up onto the tips of her toes. She didn’t want
Oliver to be uncomfortable.
Christmas Amy,” the billionaire socialite whispered before he
placed his lips against Amy’s.
kiss was sweet and simple, after a few seconds they pulled apart. Her
eyes bright and her lips a little fuller as she licked her lips.
Christmas, Oliver,” she quietly said as her cheeks flushed a bright
cherry color.
Merry Christmas everyone, since tomorrow is Christmas I figure I would post tomorrow's piece a day early. I hope you all have a Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, whatever you celebrate enjoy spending times with your loved ones.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Athena grinned as she lifted the white squirrel ornament from its box. She watched the glittery decor piece spin from her fingers.
"You loved that ornament as a little girl. It took your dads and I forever to get it onto the tree," the soft voice of the nineteen year old's mother commented.
Athena looked over her shoulder to see her mom's warm green eyes. "Yeah, I would keep changing my mind where to place it. I mean all of us were like that at one point. But, I'm pretty sure Nate was worse with his wolf ornament," the college student teased as said older brother walked into the living room.
Nate Evermoon threw his sister a dirty look.
Artemis sighed as she watched her second son and oldest daughter bicker. She sat on the love-seat and looked through the box of ornaments. An ornament wrapped in soft pink tissue paper, as the High Priestess of the St. Rose Coven gently lifted the glass figure, a gasp escaped her lips.
"Mom," both Nate and Athena called as they looked at their mom.
With shaky hands, Artemis set the ornament back into the box. She left the room, tears falling from her eyes.
The black wolf and witch turned their attention to the box, and the ornament that had caused their mom to cry. Athena, lifted the tissue paper and parted the folds to see a rooster ornament.
"Oh," Athena said as she showed the bauble to her brother.
"Uncle Henry's favorite ornament," Nate said as he looked at the antique rooster.
"Mom still blames herself. You know," the teenager softly observed as she moved to the tree. She found the perfect spot for the bird to perch. On her tip toes she tried to reach, but she was too short.
"Here, I'll place, tell me when I'm in the right spot," Nate offered as he gently took the ornament from his sister's hand.
Together the brother-sister duo placed the rest of the ornaments together on the tree. Each commenting on the significance of the more elaborate ones.
"You loved that ornament as a little girl. It took your dads and I forever to get it onto the tree," the soft voice of the nineteen year old's mother commented.
Athena looked over her shoulder to see her mom's warm green eyes. "Yeah, I would keep changing my mind where to place it. I mean all of us were like that at one point. But, I'm pretty sure Nate was worse with his wolf ornament," the college student teased as said older brother walked into the living room.
Nate Evermoon threw his sister a dirty look.
Artemis sighed as she watched her second son and oldest daughter bicker. She sat on the love-seat and looked through the box of ornaments. An ornament wrapped in soft pink tissue paper, as the High Priestess of the St. Rose Coven gently lifted the glass figure, a gasp escaped her lips.
"Mom," both Nate and Athena called as they looked at their mom.
With shaky hands, Artemis set the ornament back into the box. She left the room, tears falling from her eyes.
The black wolf and witch turned their attention to the box, and the ornament that had caused their mom to cry. Athena, lifted the tissue paper and parted the folds to see a rooster ornament.
"Oh," Athena said as she showed the bauble to her brother.
"Uncle Henry's favorite ornament," Nate said as he looked at the antique rooster.
"Mom still blames herself. You know," the teenager softly observed as she moved to the tree. She found the perfect spot for the bird to perch. On her tip toes she tried to reach, but she was too short.
"Here, I'll place, tell me when I'm in the right spot," Nate offered as he gently took the ornament from his sister's hand.
Together the brother-sister duo placed the rest of the ornaments together on the tree. Each commenting on the significance of the more elaborate ones.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Midnight Stories
A cry woke Oliver Queen, the former billionaire CEO quickly climbed out the bed. He looked at his sleeping wife for a moment, before he turned his attention to the crying baby.
"Shh, Ella, let your mama sleep," he softly told his newborn daughter. He picked her up and began to rock her in his arms.
Oliver paced their room with Amy fast asleep. The new father smiled at his daughter, he moved downstairs and stopped in front of the tree. It was the first Christmas since his return, Oliver would not be able to celebrate with his mother. He smiled sadly at his daughter, as he tried to ignore the sting in his eyes.
"You're going to love Christmas, Ella," he softly spoke as he stared at the warm lights.
The soft glow created a warmth in the room. He told his daughter a few stories about some of the more memorable Christmas' he shared with Amy. The Christmas, after they had met Barry had been an interesting one.
"My favorite Christmas was when, your mom was sixteen. She had come home for Christmas, since she was attending Gotham Preparatory Academy. For whatever reason, we kept getting caught under the mistletoe. Your mom and I kept sharing kisses, but that first kiss we shared. I enjoyed that one the most, but I knew it was Amy's first kiss. I mad it memorable for her, I didn't dare do anything to embarrass her. She was the light of my life so long. When I was gone, I missed Amy the most, but I didn't realize it until she was in front of me again," he confessed out loud.
With tired eyes, Oliver glanced down to see Eleanor Moira Queen fast asleep. He kissed her forehead and carried her back upstairs to his bedroom. Gently, Ella was returned to her crib before he climbed into the bed he shared with his wife. He kissed the crown of Amy's head, as he snuggled into her side to get some sleep.
"Shh, Ella, let your mama sleep," he softly told his newborn daughter. He picked her up and began to rock her in his arms.
Oliver paced their room with Amy fast asleep. The new father smiled at his daughter, he moved downstairs and stopped in front of the tree. It was the first Christmas since his return, Oliver would not be able to celebrate with his mother. He smiled sadly at his daughter, as he tried to ignore the sting in his eyes.
"You're going to love Christmas, Ella," he softly spoke as he stared at the warm lights.
The soft glow created a warmth in the room. He told his daughter a few stories about some of the more memorable Christmas' he shared with Amy. The Christmas, after they had met Barry had been an interesting one.
"My favorite Christmas was when, your mom was sixteen. She had come home for Christmas, since she was attending Gotham Preparatory Academy. For whatever reason, we kept getting caught under the mistletoe. Your mom and I kept sharing kisses, but that first kiss we shared. I enjoyed that one the most, but I knew it was Amy's first kiss. I mad it memorable for her, I didn't dare do anything to embarrass her. She was the light of my life so long. When I was gone, I missed Amy the most, but I didn't realize it until she was in front of me again," he confessed out loud.
With tired eyes, Oliver glanced down to see Eleanor Moira Queen fast asleep. He kissed her forehead and carried her back upstairs to his bedroom. Gently, Ella was returned to her crib before he climbed into the bed he shared with his wife. He kissed the crown of Amy's head, as he snuggled into her side to get some sleep.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Christmas Decorations
Ella Xavier softly sang along to the Christmas music that played from the record player. The haunting melody of Santa Baby by Eartha Kit soothed the sixteen year old female, she gently waved her hand over the large evergreen that made up the Christmas Tree in the large sitting room, that most of the students used as a lounge or study room.
The tree seemed to grow a little taller, and looked a touch more blue-green, various students watched as the young mutant decorated the lounge with real foliage. She created pine wreathes complete with pine-cones, holly berries, and poinsettias. With expert moving fingers the teen mutant changed the typical peony and rose flower filled vases into poinsettias in a variety of colors between white and red.
The newest resident to Xavier's School for the Gifted watched the petite auburn haired female with confusion. Everyone else just rolled their eyes and walked away to steer clear of her decorations, a few students offered to help and Ella had them go start on different parts of the mansion turned boarding school.
"I see you're at it again," the voice of Rose Xavier commented as she stood in the doorway.
Ella looked at her mom and smiled, before she hopped off the table she had been standing on. "There's only ten days left until Christmas. Dad said I had to wait until school was officially finished for break, before I could start decorating," she said as she stood beside her mother.
Scott Summers could easily see the resemblance between the mother and daughter, in front of him. He knew that Professor Xavier and Mrs. Xavier, had five children, with Ella being the oldest. Katherine and James were only a few years younger than Ella, both ten years old. Then there was Charlotte and Edric, who were six years old and some of the most liveliest children Scott had ever met.
Rose nodded at her daughter's words, "Well, I just wanted to let you know that dinner is almost ready. You can easily finish after you've eaten."
Scott grinned at the unspoken order in Mrs. X's words, he could hear the threat in her voice.
"But mom," Ella started to say.
"Come on, Ella, you're not going to win. Besides, a break isn't going to kill you," Scott said, as he stood up from the table where he had been threading popcorn on a string.
Ella sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine," she grumbled as her shoulders sagged in defeat.
The tree seemed to grow a little taller, and looked a touch more blue-green, various students watched as the young mutant decorated the lounge with real foliage. She created pine wreathes complete with pine-cones, holly berries, and poinsettias. With expert moving fingers the teen mutant changed the typical peony and rose flower filled vases into poinsettias in a variety of colors between white and red.
The newest resident to Xavier's School for the Gifted watched the petite auburn haired female with confusion. Everyone else just rolled their eyes and walked away to steer clear of her decorations, a few students offered to help and Ella had them go start on different parts of the mansion turned boarding school.
"I see you're at it again," the voice of Rose Xavier commented as she stood in the doorway.
Ella looked at her mom and smiled, before she hopped off the table she had been standing on. "There's only ten days left until Christmas. Dad said I had to wait until school was officially finished for break, before I could start decorating," she said as she stood beside her mother.
Scott Summers could easily see the resemblance between the mother and daughter, in front of him. He knew that Professor Xavier and Mrs. Xavier, had five children, with Ella being the oldest. Katherine and James were only a few years younger than Ella, both ten years old. Then there was Charlotte and Edric, who were six years old and some of the most liveliest children Scott had ever met.
Rose nodded at her daughter's words, "Well, I just wanted to let you know that dinner is almost ready. You can easily finish after you've eaten."
Scott grinned at the unspoken order in Mrs. X's words, he could hear the threat in her voice.
"But mom," Ella started to say.
"Come on, Ella, you're not going to win. Besides, a break isn't going to kill you," Scott said, as he stood up from the table where he had been threading popcorn on a string.
Ella sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine," she grumbled as her shoulders sagged in defeat.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Change in Posts (Update)
Hey everyone, no post today. Just a quick update, with the holidays around the corner I'll be reducing my posting from three times a week to twice a week.You can expect two new pieces one on Monday and the other on Friday, with the in between time, I can pre-write longer quality pieces for you. I'm sorry that I have to do this. My insomnia has been acting up, so I've been tired the last few weeks. I am a little run down because of stress from various things that have gone on this year.
I'll see you all on Friday with a new piece.
I'll see you all on Friday with a new piece.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Christmas Shenanigans
Amy hummed along to the Christmas music, that played softly through the speakers in her office. It was a quiet day in Carter Industries for the female CEO, mainly one filled with paperwork that needed to be signed and a few phone calls. The snow fall was slow and light, but Amy would stop to take in the drifting flakes.
"Do you ever do any work?" a voice asked from the doorway.
Amy turned to see three familiar faces just inside her office. All three were grinning and full of mischief in their eyes.
"Do you? Because if memory serves me correctly, all of three of you still live off of your trust funds and don't work to earn an outside income," she retorted as she moved back to her desk to sit in the large comfy chair.
Oliver stepped further into the room, until he was just on the other side of the desk. "Come on, Amy, not all of us finished our schooling," he said as he looked at her through his lashes.
Amy rolled her eyes at his pathetic excuse attempt, before she turned her attention to some paperwork on her desk. "Is there any particular reason why you're here? The three of you, troublemakers," she asked as her eyes scanned the details of the inventory list that had been provided to her.
"Just wanted to visit our favorite person," Tommy answered as he joined Oliver.
Amy's hand paused in picking up her pen as she looked at Tommy, with sharp eyes she studied the three men in front of her with a frown. "What did you do this time?"
Luke burst into laughter, he knew his sister would be suspicious of their sudden appearance. "Told you," he sang aloud.
"Oliver, Tommy, what did you do?" she asked as the two avoided her gaze.
Neither answered her question. She turned her eyes to her older brother. "Luke, what happened?" she demanded with an annoyed sigh.
"We may or may not have covered your lobby downstairs in fake snow. And put mistletoe in every elevator," he answered with a proud grin on his face.
Brown eyes were rolled, as Amy pulled up the security feed to her lobby. Sure enough, her lobby was covered in fake snow. "Of course you did this. Well, it certainly looks festive," she admitted with a soft smile. "Just leave my office alone, if you're going to be redecorating the building."
Three grown men all smiled as they ran from the office. Amy suspected they were off to do more holiday decorating of Carter Industries, but didn't dare stop their fun. Instead she grabbed her phone and called security to forewarn them of the incoming tricksters.
"Do you ever do any work?" a voice asked from the doorway.
Amy turned to see three familiar faces just inside her office. All three were grinning and full of mischief in their eyes.
"Do you? Because if memory serves me correctly, all of three of you still live off of your trust funds and don't work to earn an outside income," she retorted as she moved back to her desk to sit in the large comfy chair.
Oliver stepped further into the room, until he was just on the other side of the desk. "Come on, Amy, not all of us finished our schooling," he said as he looked at her through his lashes.
Amy rolled her eyes at his pathetic excuse attempt, before she turned her attention to some paperwork on her desk. "Is there any particular reason why you're here? The three of you, troublemakers," she asked as her eyes scanned the details of the inventory list that had been provided to her.
"Just wanted to visit our favorite person," Tommy answered as he joined Oliver.
Amy's hand paused in picking up her pen as she looked at Tommy, with sharp eyes she studied the three men in front of her with a frown. "What did you do this time?"
Luke burst into laughter, he knew his sister would be suspicious of their sudden appearance. "Told you," he sang aloud.
"Oliver, Tommy, what did you do?" she asked as the two avoided her gaze.
Neither answered her question. She turned her eyes to her older brother. "Luke, what happened?" she demanded with an annoyed sigh.
"We may or may not have covered your lobby downstairs in fake snow. And put mistletoe in every elevator," he answered with a proud grin on his face.
Brown eyes were rolled, as Amy pulled up the security feed to her lobby. Sure enough, her lobby was covered in fake snow. "Of course you did this. Well, it certainly looks festive," she admitted with a soft smile. "Just leave my office alone, if you're going to be redecorating the building."
Three grown men all smiled as they ran from the office. Amy suspected they were off to do more holiday decorating of Carter Industries, but didn't dare stop their fun. Instead she grabbed her phone and called security to forewarn them of the incoming tricksters.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Oh Evergreen
In the evergreen, two cardinals wrapped in a white scarf sing aloud. A white squirrel, a new addition eats and chips away. The elephant dances among the branches, and listens to the twin owls who hoot aloud. Gold, red, and obsidian orbs in varying sizes are spread throughout the tree. Lights in all kinds of colors blink and giggle in cherub voices.
The white porcelain are easy to see, their age unknown to many. The tree, over two decades old in age, hasn't changed but it's bobbles and decor have over the years. Some pieces lost, such as the Grinch ornaments from 2002, but new ones have joined the fray. Never full like a real tree, it's been a constant companion standing at four and a half feet. For many years, it towered over the two girls, until one year.
Now the two women, stand six plus inches taller. Neither care, that they are two tall for the beloved tree. Every year, they laugh as they build and decorate the artificial evergreen. Complaints escape their lips as hives break out across four hands and arms. Both become dizzy from wrapped four strands of around the tree. The ornaments are last, memories flood their thoughts as the tree gets covered. Each ornament in its perfect spot, there's always rearranging when area is too cluttered.
In the evergreen, two cardinals sing, wrapped in a scarf that reads Merry Christmast 1994. The first Christmas of the eldest girl, who was only four months when she celebrated her first Christmas.
The white porcelain are easy to see, their age unknown to many. The tree, over two decades old in age, hasn't changed but it's bobbles and decor have over the years. Some pieces lost, such as the Grinch ornaments from 2002, but new ones have joined the fray. Never full like a real tree, it's been a constant companion standing at four and a half feet. For many years, it towered over the two girls, until one year.
Now the two women, stand six plus inches taller. Neither care, that they are two tall for the beloved tree. Every year, they laugh as they build and decorate the artificial evergreen. Complaints escape their lips as hives break out across four hands and arms. Both become dizzy from wrapped four strands of around the tree. The ornaments are last, memories flood their thoughts as the tree gets covered. Each ornament in its perfect spot, there's always rearranging when area is too cluttered.
In the evergreen, two cardinals sing, wrapped in a scarf that reads Merry Christmast 1994. The first Christmas of the eldest girl, who was only four months when she celebrated her first Christmas.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Warm white lights twinkled and glowed against the darkness of the evergreen. The darkened room, sprinkled with soft electrical embers from one spot. In a dark corner, steam rose from a teacup with a scent of sugar and vanilla. The ambiance of the night created a warmth and sense of security for the family that enjoyed the lights of the room.
Christmas was upon them, as they soaked in the false warmth and rays from the tree.
Christmas was upon them, as they soaked in the false warmth and rays from the tree.
Friday, December 1, 2017
My Return from NaNo
Hey everyone, this is just going to be an update. I'll start posting new pieces on Monday.
So, as you know I did NaNo last month. My final word count was a little over 19,000 words. This was 10,000 words less than last year, I'm still pretty happy with myself for what I've accomplished.
I didn't have plan for what I was going to be posting this year. I thought I would for sure have a story idea but I didn't. Instead I just wrote a collection of stories, they aren't really related. My focus was to write a short story every week. I plan to post these stories to the blog after I've done some editing and revision to them.
I have a few ideas for my attempt at NaNo for next year. I'll share a few basic ideas, and flesh them as I get closer to to NaNo in 2018. I might use these for Camp NaNo, as well. One thing is that I want to still keep up with my nightly journaling, it was something that I didn't do during Nano. I was focused on one piece, but I know I want to try and do my journal entries, and keep them non-nano related. I would like to do maybe a weekly blog post, give you all updates on how my story is going, word counts, excerpts or teaser lines from what I've written.
I have some great news for my writing in 2018, so hopefully share later in the month. See you all on Monday with a holiday piece!
So, as you know I did NaNo last month. My final word count was a little over 19,000 words. This was 10,000 words less than last year, I'm still pretty happy with myself for what I've accomplished.
I didn't have plan for what I was going to be posting this year. I thought I would for sure have a story idea but I didn't. Instead I just wrote a collection of stories, they aren't really related. My focus was to write a short story every week. I plan to post these stories to the blog after I've done some editing and revision to them.
I have a few ideas for my attempt at NaNo for next year. I'll share a few basic ideas, and flesh them as I get closer to to NaNo in 2018. I might use these for Camp NaNo, as well. One thing is that I want to still keep up with my nightly journaling, it was something that I didn't do during Nano. I was focused on one piece, but I know I want to try and do my journal entries, and keep them non-nano related. I would like to do maybe a weekly blog post, give you all updates on how my story is going, word counts, excerpts or teaser lines from what I've written.
I have some great news for my writing in 2018, so hopefully share later in the month. See you all on Monday with a holiday piece!
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Missing Ginger Snaps (TAG)
The sun felt warm against sixteen year old Ella's skin, her mahogany hair shined a more vibrant red in the light. A happy sigh fell from...
“We're seriously going after a ghost?!?!” Adam demanded as he slammed his hands down on the desk. Artemis spared a glance at the e...
Hi everyone, so today's piece is a little personal. My dad is on a transplant list, I won't specify, but if you are close to me, t...
Breakfast on Tracy Island was quiet, compared to other family meals, it was down right peaceful. Ella sat on breakfast stool and watched as ...